Fokker-Planck quantum master equation for mixed quantum-semiclassical dynamics

J Chem Phys. 2017 Jan 14;146(2):024104. doi: 10.1063/1.4973610.


We revisit Caldeira-Leggett's quantum master equation representing mixed quantum-classical theory, but with limited applications. Proposed is a Fokker-Planck quantum master equation theory, with a generic bi-exponential correlation function description on semiclassical Brownian oscillators' environments. The new theory has caustic terms that bridge between the quantum description on primary systems and the semiclassical or quasi-classical description on environments. Various parametrization schemes, both analytical and numerical, for the generic bi-exponential environment bath correlation functions are proposed and scrutinized. The Fokker-Planck quantum master equation theory is of the same numerical cost as the original Caldeira-Leggett's approach but acquires a significantly broadened validity and accuracy range, as illustrated against the exact dynamics on model systems in quantum Brownian oscillators' environments, at moderately low temperatures.