This communication describes two new instruments, based on multiple active thermal neutron detectors arranged within a single moderator, that permit to unfold the neutron spectrum (from thermal to hundreds of MeV) and to determine the corresponding integral quantities with only one exposure. This makes them especially advantageous for neutron field characterisation and workplace monitoring in neutron-producing facilities. One of the devices has spherical geometry and nearly isotropic response, the other one has cylindrical symmetry and it is only sensitive to neutrons incident along the cylinder axis. In both cases, active detectors have been specifically developed looking for the criteria of miniaturisation, high sensitivity, linear response and good photon rejection. The calculated response matrix has been validated by experimental irradiations in neutron reference fields with a global uncertainty of 3%. The measurements performed in realistic neutron fields permitted to determine the neutron spectra and the integral quantities, in particular H*(10).
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