The opportunistic black yeast are particularly known through the genus Exophiala, characterised by annellidic budding cells. However, this phenotype is polyphyletic within the order Chaetothyriales. Seventeen generic names are available in the family Herpotrichiellaceae, one of which is Exophiala. Future taxonomy will be based on molecular phylogeny; each multi-species clade may qualify for one of these names. This paper focuses on the genus Nadsoniella, which is the oldest valid name in the Herpotrichiellaceae. Despite its exophiala-like phenotype, the type species of Nadsoniella clusters in the jeanselmei-clade, competing with the sympodial genus Rhinocladiella. In contrast, Exophiala competes with morphologically pronounced genera Thysanorea and Veronaea. Replacing the current phenotypic system for phylogenetic nomenclature requires highly stable phylogenies, which currently are not available.
Keywords: black yeast; morphology; nomenclature; opportunists; phylogeny; taxon sampling.
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