PIP: Human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) epidemiology in Belgium shows that 66% of all acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients were infected heterosexually. Since 1985, all HIV-seropositive patients in Brussels and Antwerp who have been heterosexually infected have been offered participation in a partner notification program; this article reports the case study of 1 HIV infected male and his 19 identified previous women sexual partners. This report describes the patient's background and the type and frequency of sexual intercourse he had with each partner. The characteristics of each of the sexual partners were also described. An important consideration of this case was that 11 of the tested partners (56%) were HIV seropositive. Several factors were discussed concerning the cause of this high rate of transmission (e.g. high disseminator patient, highly virulent HIV strain, and presence of genital herpes). This study emphasizes the fact that middle class women with low risk sexual practices were infected with AIDS from as little as 1 sexual encounter with this infected individual. To stop a false sense of security among people with few sexual partners, it was advised that a program of partner notification targeted to heterosexuals be implemented along with other public health policies.