We examined the relationship between the frequency of stimulation of the genioglossus and upper airway resistance in six anesthetized dogs in the supine position. The upper airway was isolated from the lower airway by transecting the cervical trachea, and the pressure flow relationship of the upper airway was obtained by applying constant negative pressure (5, 10, and 20 cm H2O) to the proximal cut end of the trachea. Electrical stimulation of the genioglossus was performed at a constant voltage (10 to 20 V) and at various frequencies (as high as 100 Hz). Upper airway resistance (Rua) during both inspiration and expiration increased with an increase in tracheal negative pressure, and at each tracheal negative pressure Rua was significantly reduced by stimulation of the genioglossus. The effects of genioglossal muscle stimulation were nonlinearly dependent on the stimulating frequency. Below 50 Hz, Rua decreased markedly as the stimulating frequency was increased, but above 50 Hz, Rua plateaued at a minimum value. These findings suggest that at a stimulating frequency of more than 50 Hz, upper airway patency is stably maintained in anesthetized dogs.