MR imaging has been widely evaluated in the assessment of patients with recurrent or residual symptoms following meniscal surgery. Importantly, the causes of such symptoms may relate to failure or complication of the surgical procedure, a possible recurrent or residual meniscal tear, or may be related to other causes of joint symptoms, including tears of the contralateral meniscus, or local hyaline cartilage, or marrow abnormalities subjacent to or distant to the meniscal surgical site. The complex diagnostic issues involved in the MR imaging evaluation of the postoperative meniscus were identified in early MR imaging studies. The knowledge of the normal MR imaging appearance of the knee after the more common repair procedures will allow radiologists to recognize complications associated with such procedures. In this article, we discuss the MR imaging evaluation of the knee after meniscal surgery.
Keywords: MRI; Meniscal surgery; Meniscal tear.