Objectives: To describe the early multi-center, clinical experience with the Medtronic Micro Vascular Plug™ (MVP) in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) undergoing vascular embolization.
Background: The MVP is a large diameter vascular occlusion device that can be delivered through a microcatheter for embolization of abnormal blood vessels.
Methods: A retrospective review of embolization procedures using the MVP in children with CHD was performed in 3-centers. Occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using the MVP was not included.
Results: Ten children underwent attempted occlusion using the MVP. The most common indication to use the MVP was failed attempted occlusion using other embolic devices. Five, single ventricle patients (median age 3-years, median weight 14.9 kg) underwent occlusion of veno-venous collaterals following bidirectional Glenn operation. Three patients (Median age 8 years) underwent occlusion of coronary artery fistulae (CAF). Two patients (age 7 months and 1 year) underwent occlusion of large aorto-pulmonary collaterals. A 7-day-old child with a large CAF required 2 MVPs and an Amplatzer Vascular Plug (AVP-II) for complete occlusion. Occlusion of all other blood vessels was achieved using a single MVP. One MVP embolized distally in an 8-years-old child with a large CAF. There were no other procedural complications or during follow-up (median 9 months).
Conclusions: The MVP is a new, large-diameter vascular embolization device that can be delivered through a microcatheter. It may play an important role in providing highly effective occlusion of abnormal vessels in children.
© 2017, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.