Mortality and morbidity was assessed after adoption of a systematic care for patient with pancreatoduodenectomy starting from patient selection and preparation, operative technique, and postoperative care. In this prospective study seventy patients who underwent pancreatoduodenectomy for periampullary carcinoma with curative intent between January 2010 and December 2014 were carefully analyzed prospectively. Patients were selected those who had ampullary carcinoma, lower bile duct carcinoma and small size carcinoma head of pancreas without local invasion and distant metastasis, and the patient who did not have any major disabling comorbid diseases. All patients were assessed uniformly before surgery and deficiency were corrected up to normal level before operation. Pancreatoduodenectomy and standard lymphadenectomy was performed meticulously with minimum blood loss. The pancreatojejunal reconstruction was performed using duct-to-mucosa method mostly. A nasojejunal feeding tube was placed in most patients for starting postoperative early oral feeding. Broad spectrum antibiotics and the epidural analgesia were mostly prescribed for good control infection and pain. Proper nutrition was maintained in calculative way through central venous line and nasojejunal feeding tube in the early postoperative period. General care, early mobilization and chest physiotherapy were given routinely in each patient. Seventy-seven percent (n=54) patients did not have any postoperative complications and they were discharged from hospital within 12-14 postoperative days. The morbidity occurred in 16 patients (23%) and most common complication was wound infection (18%, n=9). The rest complications were pancreatojejunal anastomotic leakage - 2, hepaticojejunal anastomosis leakage - 1, melaena - 1, intra-abdominal abscess - 1, intra-abdominal hemorrhage - 1, and renal dysfunction - 1. The mortality rate was 5.7% (n=4), causes of death were massive myocardial infarction; 1, failure of reversal from anesthesia; 1, massive intraabdominal bleeding; 1 and CV catheter related severe sepsis; 1. Review of recent published literature revealed that mortality and morbidity our series is better than low volume center and almost similar with high volume center of pancreatoduodenectomy surgery. Our systematic management policy of careful patient selection, planned approach in the form of proper work up, meticulous conduction of the procedure, appropriate postoperative care provides an acceptable morbidity and mortality after pancreatoduodenectomy.