Comparison of proximate composition and sensory attributes of Clariid catfish species of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, and their hybrids

Food Sci Nutr. 2016 May 25;5(2):285-291. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.391. eCollection 2017 Mar.


Clariid catfish are favorite food fish especially in African and Asian continents. Recently there has been preference for particular species or hybrids of these species based on quality assurance and value addition. Consequently, this study aimed to evaluate the possible effect of different catfish species and their hybrids on proximate composition and sensory attributes. Catfish species, Clarias gariepinus (CC), Heterobranchus bidorsalis (HH), with their hybrid (CH), and reciprocal hybrid (HC) were evaluated for sensory variables - cognitive (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and recent characteristic taste 'umami') and qualitative (texture, aroma, flavor, and color) tests; and nutritional variables - proximate composition (moisture, protein, ether/fat, and ash). A 5-point hedonic scale from 'neutral/neither like nor dislike' to 'excellent/like extremely' was employed in sensory testing. The results showed similar (P > 0.05) high moisture contents (>70%) in all species and high but different (P < 0.05) ash contents (11-14%) that suggested good sources of mineral elements. The parent species CC and HH had higher ash contents than CH or HC. The crude protein contents were high and similar (P > 0.05) across species (>57%). Fat or ether extract was different (P < 0.05) and tended to be higher for species with Clarias as the female parent than Heterobranchus. Sensory analysis showed the parent species, CC and HH, more favorably rated for sweet and umami than the hybrids, CH and HC. However, CH was less sour and bitter than all other species and HC better than CH for salty but similar to CC and HH. All fish species were very well liked for texture, but the parent species were superior in flavor than the hybrids. All species were very well liked for aroma, color, and overall acceptability except HC, which was moderately liked. HC rated inferior to the other species overall in sensory attributes. All the fish species did not rate 'excellent/like extremely' for any attribute. It can be concluded that the parent catfish species possess better sensory qualities than hybrids, but all species need exogenous enhancement to their natural sensory components.

Keywords: Clariid catfish; hybrids; sensory attributes; umami.