It has been shown that allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is effective in reducing symptoms of allergic asthma and rhinitis. Data on the efficacy are less convincing with regard to AIT for allergens of common pets (cats/dogs). We describe a case of dog allergy in which we explored if dog AIT (DAI) could reduce a concomitant allergic sensitization to other allergens of furry animals. Our case demonstrates the efficacy of sublingual DAI on SPTs, symptom score, and spirometric responses despite persistent exposure to dog allergens at home in a patient sensitized, but not exposed, to several other furry animals. Moreover, this is the first report suggesting that DAI is able to reduce SPTs responses not only to dog, but also to other furry animals such as rabbit, horse, mouse, rat, hamster, cow. We recommend an accurate anamnesis and diagnosis of dog allergy before prescribing DAI. In particular, the use of ImmunoCAP ISAC is essential to verify the presence of IgE to lipocalins / albumins belonging to other furry animals. Obviously further studies carried out by using different DAI schedules, allergen amount and time of re-evaluation, laboratory procedure should be performed to confirm our findings.
Keywords: Allergen immunotherapy; allergic rhinitis; allergic sensitization; bronchial asthma; dog; dog allergen; furry animals; hypersensitivity.