The effects of burning on plant nutrient budgets and rates of carbonic gas and particulate matter emission during fires were evaluated in aQuercus coccifera (garrigue) shrubland. Nutrient levels were determined in field-collected pre-fire vegetation and combustion residues. The losses (increased elemental transfer) were calculated as the difference between the quantity of an element in the fuel (combustible standing vegetation plus litter) before burning and that present in the postfire residues (ash). Weight losses of elements are correlated with weight losses of burnt plant biomass. The relative order of nutrient losses was: N>C>Na>Ca>P>K>Mg. Estimated losses of N, C and P from combustible plant matter exceeded 98, 97 and 79% respectively. Copious N, C and P volatilization during burning was promoted by high concentrations of these elements in foliage and fine woody biomass of the aboveground vegetation and leaf litter of the garrigue. Elements were principally removed in the smoke. The quantities of gaseous emissions of CO2, CO and particulate matter produced were estimated.
Keywords: Fire; Garrigue; Gaseous emissions; Nutrients; Particulate matter.