Objective: To explore the phonological characteristics and rehabilitation training of abnormal velar in patients with functional articulation disorders (FAD).
Methods: Eighty-seven patients with FAD were observed of the phonological characteristics of velar. Seventy-two patients with abnormal velar accepted speech training. The correlation and simple linear regression analysis were carried out on abnormal velar articulation and age.
Results: The articulation disorder of /g/ mainly showed replacement by /d/, /b/ or omission. /k/ mainly showed replacement by /d/, /t/, /g/, /p/, /b/. /h/ mainly showed replacement by /g/, /f/, /p/, /b/ or omission. The common erroneous articulation forms of /g/, /k/, /h/ were fronting of tongue and replacement by bilabial consonants. When velar combined with vowels contained /a/ and /e/, the main error was fronting of tongue. When velar combined with vowels contained /u/, the errors trended to be replacement by bilabial consonants. After 3 to 10 times of speech training, the number of erroneous words decreased to (6.24±2.61) from (40.28±6.08) before the speech training was established, the difference was statistically significant (Z=-7.379, P=0.000). The number of erroneous words was negatively correlated with age (r=-0.691, P=0.000). The result of simple linear regression analysis showed that the determination coefficient was 0.472.
Conclusions: The articulation disorder of velar mainly shows replacement, varies with the vowels. The targeted rehabilitation training hereby established is significantly effective. Age plays an important role in the outcome of velar.
目的 探讨功能性构音障碍(FAD)患者舌根音异常的语音特点和康复训练方法。 方法 分析87例FAD患者舌根音异常的语音特点,对其中72例舌根音异常的患者进行针对性康复训练,对舌根音构音异常和年龄的关系进行关联性分析和简单线性回归分析。 结果 /g/的构音错误主要是置换成/d/、/b/或脱落;/k/音主要置换为/d/、/t/、/g/、/p/、/b/;/h/音主要置换成/g/、/f/、/p/、/b/或脱落。/g/、/k/、/h/均涉及的错误方式为舌前音化及双唇音化。舌根音与/a/、/e/为韵头的韵母相拼时,构音错误以舌前音化为主;而与/u/为介母的韵母相拼时,主要表现为双唇音化。经过3~10次语音训练,发音错误字数由训练前的(40.28±6.08)减少到训练后的(6.24±2.61),差异有统计学意义(Z=-7.379, P=0.000)。FAD患者舌根音错误字数与年龄呈负相关(r=-0.691,P=0.000),年龄对舌根音构音错误的决定系数为0.472。 结论 舌根音构音错误类型主要为置换,舌根音与不同韵母相拼时,错误方式不同;针对性康复训练的疗效确切;年龄是影响舌根音构音障碍预后的重要因素。.
Keywords: functional articulation disorders; phonological characteristics; rehabilitation training; velar.