Objectives: To determine the actual state of medical-surgical activity and training for urology residents in Spain.
Material and method: We designed 2 anonymous surveys, which were uploaded with the Google Docs© tool so that the respondents could answer the surveys online. The online collection period was September 2015 to January 2016. The collected data were processing using the statistical programme IBM SPSS for Windows, Version 21.0 and the programme R version 3.2.3.
Results: The total number of responders was 163. In reference to the number of physically present on-call residents, the majority conducted between 4 and 6 shifts a month. Eighty-four of those surveyed indicated that they were in the operating room less than 20hours a week, and 43 of these even less than 10hours. Thirty percent of those surveyed had not performed any transurethral resection. The majority had performed at least one prostatic adenomectomy, but had not performed any major oncologic procedure, either laparoscopically or openly. In the questions concerning training and training courses, we found that most of the residents trained in laparoscopy at the hospital or at home. The overall satisfaction for the residence was assessed at 2.6. Based on this score, the overall satisfaction could be considered moderate.
Conclusions: Efforts should be directed towards standardising the acquisition of surgical and nonsurgical skills, ensuring access to training courses, establishing a minimum of required operations per year and achieving an objective assessment of the specialty.
Keywords: Cirugía; Education; Entrenamiento; España; Formación; Residentes; Residents; Spain; Surgery; Training; Urology; Urología.
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