Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), synthesized in neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), is one of the main regulators of the pituitary-adrenal cortex endocrine axis. In order to elucidate the possible involvement of the central neuropeptide-Y (NPY)- and adrenocorticotroph hormone (ACTH)-immunoreactive (IR) systems in the innervation of hypophysiotrophic CRF-synthesizing neurons, immunocytochemical double labelling studies were conducted in the hypothalamus of the rat to localize CRF-synthesizing neurons, as well as neuronal fibers exhibiting NPY and ACTH-immunoreactivity, respectively. The parvocellular subnuclei of the PVN received an intense NPY- and ACTH-IR innervation. At the light microscopic level, these peptidergic axons were associated with the dendrites and perikarya of CRF-IR neurons. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that NPY- and ACTH-IR axons established synaptic specializations with parvocellular neurons expressing CRF-immunoreactivity. These findings indicate that both neuropeptide-Y and adrenocorticotroph hormone containing neuronal systems of the brain are capable of influencing adrenal function via synaptic interactions with hypophysiotrophic CRF-synthesizing neurons. The data also support the concept that NPY and ACTH might be utilized as neuromodulators within the PVN.