A 46-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of nausea. Endoscopy revealed scirrhous gastric cancer, and abdominalcomputed tomography revealed peritonealdissemination. She was diagnosed with Stage IV gastric cancer and treated with S-1 plus CDDP combination chemotherapy. After 4 courses of chemotherapy, the primary tumor and peritoneal dissemination were considered clinically stable, but the uterus grew rapidly. She was diagnosed as having uterine metastasis based on cervicaland endometrialsmear class V cytology. As the chemotherapy was not effective for the uterine lesions, totalhysterectomy and bilateralsal pingo-oophorectomy were performed. Histological findings showed a poorly differentiated cancer with vascular emboli. Uterine metastases are an important consideration in women with scirrhous gastric cancer, and we recommend palliative hysterectomy for chemotherapy-resistant metastases if the primary tumor and other metastases are controlled.