Three male Caucasian patients with ALS were admitted to the hospital due to progressive dysphagia and dysarthria. During two 21-day courses of penicillin G and hydrocortisone, these patients' dysphagia and dysarthria resolved. The patient's other ALS-associated symptoms also improved, including respiratory function, coordination, walking, and muscle strength. This is the first report of a treatment with a protocol for treating dysphagia, dysarthria, respiratory depression and other ALS-related symptoms. Furthermore, the observations are consistent with the recent hypothesis that the successful treatment of ALS symptoms with this treatment course in six patients with syphilitic ALS was not directly due to the treatment of syphilis; but that the administered penicillin G and/or hydrocortisone treated these patients' ALS symptoms due the off-target pharmacological activity of penicillin G and/or hydrocortisone. This report therefore underscores the need to evaluate the efficacy of this treatment course in a clinical trial.
Keywords: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; GABA; dysarthria; dysphagia; hydrocortisone; neuromuscular disease; penicillin G; respiratory depression.