Objective: To analyze the current situation on infectious diarrhea other than cholera, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid (hereinafter referred to as Other Infectious Diarrheal Diseases) under the current monitoring program in China from 2014 to 2015, to provide evidence for developing strategies related to the control of these diseases. Methods: All the reported infectious diarrhea cases and information on public health emergencies relevant to infectious diarrhea were collected from the "Chinese Information System for Disease Control and Prevention" . Analytic method was carried out to describe the etiological and epidemiological characteristics of all the infectious diarrhea cases. Results: In 2014, a total of 867 545 infectious diarrhea cases were reported, with the incidence rate as 64.0/100 000. While in 2015, a total of 937 616 infectious diarrhea cases were reported, and the incidence rate was 68.8/100 000. Cases distributed in all provinces of the country, with incidence rates between 3.8/100 000 and 506.7/100 000. Cases involved in all the age groups, with 53.7% (968 984/1 805 161) of the total reported cases below 5 years of age. Reported cases showed two peaks of incidence, in summer (from June to August) and winter (from November to next January). Laboratory-confirmed cases accounted for 9.5% (82 285/867 545) of the total and 9.3%(86 975/937 616) of the cases reported in 2014 and 2015 respectively. Among cases reported in the two years, viral infection accounted for 92.4%(76 045/82 285) and 91.0% (79 176/86 975) while bacterial infection accounted for 7.4% (6 062/82 285) and 8.8% (7 614/86 975), respectively. Among the death cases, only three were laboratory confirmed, with two of them caused by rotavirus. Conclusions: Children under 5 years old appeared both higher incidence and mortalities for infectious diarrhea. Most laboratory-confirmed cases were viral-born, with pathogenic spectrums varied in different provinces. Capabilities related to testing and case-reporting on infectious diarrheal diseases differed greatly among areas that called for urgent improvement.
目的: 分析2014-2015年全国其他感染性腹泻(除霍乱、痢疾、伤寒/副伤寒)监测现状,为制订防控策略、改进监测工作提供依据。 方法: 收集2014-2015年中国疾病控制信息系统的其他感染性腹泻报告病例和突发公共卫生事件资料,对其流行病学及病原学信息进行描述性流行病学分析。 结果: 2014年和2015年分别报告病例867 545例、937 616例,发病率分别为64.0/10万、68.8/10万。全国各省均有病例报告,发病率范围为3.8/10万~506.7/10万。各年龄组人群均有发病,<5岁儿童占53.7%(968 984/1 805 161);每年均有两个发病高峰,分别为6-8月和11月至次年1月。两年间实验室确诊病例分别占当年报告病例的9.5%(82 285/867 545)和9.3%(86 975/937 616),其中,病毒性腹泻分别占92.4%(76 045/82 285)和91.0%(79 176/86 975),细菌性腹泻分别占7.4%(6 062/82 285)和8.8%(7 614/86 975)。死亡病例仅有3例实验室确诊,2例为轮状病毒感染。 结论: 全国其他感染性腹泻报告病例以<5岁儿童和散居儿童为主;确诊病例以病毒性腹泻为主,病原谱存在地区差异;全国各省市的病例报告和实验室检测能力不均衡,应进一步提高全国其他感染性腹泻的报告率及病原学诊断率。.
Keywords: Etiology; Infectious diarrhea; Surveillance.