Type I interferons (IFN) were widely used for leukemia treatment. These cytokines act on cell surface receptor consisting of the IFNAR1/2 chains to induce anti-tumorigenic effects. Given that levels of IFNAR1 can be regulated by phosphorylation-driven ubiquitination and degradation that undermines IFN signaling and anti-tumorigenic effects, we sought to determine the importance of IFNAR1 downregulation in progression of acute leukemia. Using knock-in mice deficient in downregulation of IFNAR1, we uncovered that IFNAR1 expression in stromal benign cells functions to protect against progression of leukemia. We discuss putative mechanisms of this regulation and potential of therapeutic targeting of IFNAR1 downregulation to treat leukemia.
Keywords: Acute leukemia; BCR-ABL; IFNAR1; interferon.