Acute effects of somatostatin analog (SMS 201-995) on pancreatic hormones were studied in two patients with malignant islet-cell carcinoma. Before and after subcutaneous injection of somatostatin with a doses of 50 micrograms, blood glucose (BG), serum growth hormone (hGH), C-peptide immunoreactivity (CPR), plasma immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) and gastrin were assayed, and changes in elution patterns of IRG and gastrin were also analyzed on Bio-Gel P-30 column chromatography. In Patient 1 with glucagonoma syndrome and hypergastrinemia, a prompt and remarkable decrease in plasma IRG and gastrin was observed after the injection of SMS 201-995 in association with a decrease in blood glucose, and then IRG and gastrin increased gradually. The suppressive effect continued for at least 6 hours. On gel filtration of the plasma obtained before the injection of the analog, three major peaks, greater than 20000, 9000 and 3500 molecular-weight (mol wt) fractions, were seen in IRG fraction. The decrease in plasma IRG observed at 1 hour after the injection was mainly due to a marked decrease in the 3500 molecular weight fraction. In addition, a slight decrease in the 9000 mol wt fraction was seen. At 4 hours after the injection, the 3500 mol wt peak returned to the previous level, while the 9000 mol wt peak decreased further. On the other hand, the gastrin elution pattern of plasma obtained before the injection revealed three major gastrin peaks, greater than 20000, 7000 and 5000 mol wt fraction. The changes in the gastrin elution pattern after the injection were similar to those of the IRG elution pattern. In Patient 2 with Zollinger-Ellison's syndrome, the plasma gastrin level decreased gradually for 5 hours after the injection. On gel filtration of the plasma obtained before the injection, two major gastrin peaks, 7000 and 5000 mol wt fraction, of which the large-molecular fraction was more prominent than the small-molecular fraction, were observed. After the injection, a marked decrease in the small-molecular fraction and a gradual decrease in the large-molecular fraction were observed for 4 hours, accompanied by a decrease in plasma gastrin. At 7 hours after the injection, the smaller fraction was augmented again. The serum CPR and hGH was slightly suppressed after the injection in both patients. The adverse effects of slight nausea and vomiting were noticed only in Patient 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)