Background: Patient perceptions of quality of care (QoC) are directly linked with patient safety and clinical effectiveness. We need patient-designed QoC instruments that work across languages and countries to optimise studies across systems in this area. Few QoC measurement tools exist that assess all aspects of QoC from the patient perspective. This paper describes the development and validation of a comprehensive measure to assess patient perceptions of QoC that incorporates technical and interpersonal aspects of care and is grounded in the established Institute of Medicine (IOM) QoC framework.
Design: We conducted a multi-country cross-sectional study.
Methods: Following a literature review and patient focus groups, an expert panel generated questionnaire items. Following a pilot study, item numbers were reduced. The final questionnaire consisted of three sections: demographics, perceived QoC and one open-ended question. Data was collected from patients (n = 531) discharged from hospitals across seven countries in South East Europe (languages: Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Croatian, Macedonian and Bulgarian). Reliability and validity of the measure were assessed.
Results: Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare various factor models of patient-perceived QoC. Good model fit was demonstrated for a two-factor model: communication and interpersonal care, and hospital facilities.
Conclusions: The ORCAB (Improving quality and safety in the hospital: The link between organisational culture, burnout and quality of care) Patient QoC questionnaire has been collaboratively and exhaustively developed between healthcare professionals and patients. It enables patient QoC data to be assessed in the context of the IOM pillars of quality, considering both technical and interpersonal dimensions of care. It represents an important first step in including the patient perspective.