Because of their high degree of polymorphisms, the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci have become extremely useful in studies involving gene mapping, determination of identity and relatedness of individuals, and evolutionary relationships among populations. However, there are some concerns regarding whether or not the patterns of such genetic variation can be studied by the classical population models that are developed for studying genetic variation at blood groups and protein loci, since VNTR alleles detected by molecular size may not always be identical by descent. Although theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate that this concern is overstated, this study provides further support of the application of the traditional mutation-drift models to predict the pattern of intra- and inter-populational variation at VNTR loci. By comparing genetic variation at six VNTR loci with that at 16 blood groups and protein loci in three ethnically defined populations, we show that the patterns of variability at these two sets of loci are in general parallel to each other. Shared VNTR alleles among populations are generally more frequent than the ones which are not present in every population; the proportion of shared alleles among populations increases with increasing genetic similarity of populations; and the number of VNTR alleles is positively correlated with gene diversity at these loci. All of these observations are in agreement with the prediction of the mutation-drift models, particularly when the possibility of forward-backward mutations are taken into account. This parallelism of genetic variation at VNTR loci and blood groups/protein loci further asserts the potential of using such hypervariable loci for microevoltionary studies, where closely related populations may exhibit considerably less allele frequency differences at the classical blood group and protein loci. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Copyright © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc., A Wiley Company.