The "7 Great Achievements in Pediatric Research" campaign noted discoveries in the past 40 years that have improved child and adult health in the United States and around the globe. This article predicts the next 7 great pediatric research advancements, including new immunizations, cancer immunotherapy, genomic discoveries, identification of early antecedents of adult health, impact of specific social-environmental influences on biology and health, quality improvement science, and implementation and dissemination research to reduce global poverty. It is an extraordinary time of new research tools that include electronic health records, technological ability to manage big data and measure "omics," and new functional and structural imaging modalities. These tools will discern mechanisms leading to health and disease with new prevention targets and cures. This article further discusses the challenges and opportunities to accelerate these exciting pediatric research discoveries to improve the lives of children and the adults they will become.
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.