Terms of the specialized nursing language for the care of ostomates

Rev Bras Enferm. 2017 May-Jun;70(3):461-467. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2015-0058.
[Article in English, Portuguese]


Objectives: to identify terms of the specialized nursing language for the care of ostomates from the literature of the area, and to map the identified terms with terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®).

Method: descriptive study of quantitative approach guided by the guidelines for the elaboration of terminology subsets of the ICNP®. The terms were collected in 49 scientific articles, extracted using a computational tool, selected according to the relevance for the theme, and normalized and mapped with the ICNP®.

Results: 20,668 terms were extracted. The standardization process resulted in 425 relevant terms (151 were constant in ICNP® and 274 were not contained in ICNP®), of which 154 were similar, 19 were more comprehensive, 50 were more restricted, and 51 were not in concordance.

Conclusion: the use of standardized language can minimize the ambiguities and redundancies identified in the mapping. The existence of terms not in concordance with the ICNP® reinforces the need for constant updating of this classification.

Objetivos: identificar termos da linguagem especializada de enfermagem para o cuidado a pessoa ostomizada, a partir da literatura da area; e mapear os termos identificados com termos da Classificacao Internacional para a Pratica de Enfermagem (CIPE(R)).

Metodo: pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa, orientada pelas diretrizes para a elaboracao de subconjuntos terminologicos da CIPE(R). Os termos foram coletados em 49 artigos cientificos, extraidos com uso de ferramenta computacional, selecionados de acordo com a pertinencia ao tema, normalizados e mapeados com a CIPE(R).

Resultados: foram extraidos 20.668 termos. A normalizacao resultou em 425 termos pertinentes, sendo: 151 termos constantes e 274 nao constantes na CIPE(R); dos quais 154 similares, 19 mais abrangentes, 50 mais restritos e 51 sem concordancia.

Conclusao: o uso de linguagem padronizada pode minimizar ambiguidades e redundancias identificadas no mapeamento. A existencia de termos sem concordancia com a CIPE(R) reforca a necessidade de atualizacao constante dessa classificacao.

MeSH terms

  • Communication*
  • Humans
  • Interprofessional Relations
  • Nursing Care / methods*
  • Nursing Care / standards
  • Reference Standards*