The sphincters failure is a part of NSAIDs-toxicity that can be accordingly counteracted. We used a safe stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (GEPPPGKPADDAGLV, MW 1419), LD1 not achieved, since successful in inflammatory bowel disease trials, and counteracts esophagitis, sphincters failure, gastrointestinal ulcer and skin ulcer, external and internal fistulas in rats, and particularly counteracts all NSAIDs-lesions. We assessed lower esophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter pressure (cmH2O) in rats treated with various NSAIDs regimens, at corresponding time points, known to produce stomach, small intestine lesions, hepatotoxicity and encephalopathy. Assessment was after diclofenac (12.5 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg intraperitoneal challenge), ibuprofen (400 mg/day/kg intraperitoneally for 4 weeks), paracetamol (5.0 g/kg intraperitoneal challenge), aspirin (400 mg/kg intraperitoneally or intragastrically), celecoxib (0.5 mg/kg, 1.0 mg/kg intraperitoneally). BPC 157 (10 μg/kg, 10 ng/kg) was given immediately after NSAIDs (intraperitoneally or intragastrically) or given in drinking water. Regularly, in all control NSAIDs fall of pressure occurred in both sphincters rapidly and then persisted. By contrast, in all NSAIDs-rats that received BPC 157, initial fall of pressure was minimized and pressure values restored to normal values. All tested NSAIDs decrease pressure in both sphincters, whilst BPC 157 counteracts their effects and restored both sphincters function.