Phenotyping Hypotensive Patients in Critical Care Using Hospital Discharge Summaries

IEEE EMBS Int Conf Biomed Health Inform. 2017 Feb:2017:401-404. doi: 10.1109/BHI.2017.7897290. Epub 2017 Apr 13.


Among critically-ill patients, hypotension represents a failure in compensatory mechanisms and may lead to organ hypoperfusion and failure. In this work, we adopt a data-driven approach for phenotype discovery and visualization of patient similarity and cohort structure in the intensive care unit (ICU). We used Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) as a nonparametric topic modeling technique to automatically learn a d-dimensional feature representation of patients that captures the latent "topic" structure of diseases, symptoms, medications, and findings documented in hospital discharge summaries. We then used the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm to convert the d-dimensional latent structure learned from HDP into a matrix of pairwise similarities for visualizing patient similarity and cohort structure. Using discharge summaries of a large patient cohort from the MIMIC II database, we evaluated the clinical utility of the discovered topic structure in phenotyping critically-ill patients who experienced hypotensive episodes. Our results indicate that the approach is able to reveal clinically interpretable clustering structure within our cohort and may potentially provide valuable insights to better understand the association between disease phenotypes and outcomes.