In 2014 - 2016 yrs transcutaneous nephrolithotripsy was performed in 245 patients for nephrolithiasis, of them in 228 (93.1%) - in position of patient lying on the abdomen (1st group), in 17 (6.9%) - lying on the back (2nd group) because of various concur- rent cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases present. Mini- transcutaneous nephro- lithotripsy was performed under regional epidural anesthesia in 224 (91.4%) patients, and under endotracheal narcosis - in 21 (8.6%). While conduction of mini- transcu- taneous nephrolithotripsy in position of patient lying on the back the operation duration is reducing, and it is possible to perform simultant endoscopic interventions (trans- ureteric, transcutaneous). Position of patient lying on the back while performing tran- scutaneous nephrolithotripsy in a complex with regional (epidural) anesthesia consti- tutes a relatively secure procedure. Hemodynamical and respiratory parameters are simply intraoperatively controlled, what is important for the patients, urologists and anesthesiologists. The complications rate and results of treatment are comparable with such while performing transcutaneous nephrolithotripsy in accordance to standard in position of patient lying on the abdomen.