Introduction: In this study, analytic performance (imprecision, carryover, time stability) and diagnostic efficiency of Mindray BC-6800 analyzer to quantify reticulocytes and extended reticulocyte parameters was evaluated. Moreover, reference intervals on adult population were determined. Results were compared with those obtained by Sysmex XE-5000 analyzer.
Methods: One hundred and eighty-four healthy adults of both sexes, and 368 subjects affected by various pathologic conditions (nutritional anemias before and after treatment, hemolytic and posthemorragic anemias, acute and chronic inflammations, malignancy under therapy, and beta thalassemia trait) were selected.
Results: Reference intervals were as follows: reticulocytes (×109 /L): 23.2-93.2; immature reticulocyte fraction: 0.015-0.14; mean reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RHE) (pg): 30.9-35.7; mean reticulocyte volume (fL): 97.8-118. Imprecision on reticulocyte count at all concentrations was close to analytic goal based on within-subject biological variation. Carryover (2.3%) was negligible, and time-stability was excellent up to 8 hours.
Conclusion: When compared with XE-5000, BC-6800 shows a good overall correlation on counting despite evidence of difference in the upper limit of reference intervals (93.2 vs 101.3). Comparison of diagnostic efficiency of extended parameters shows a good total agreement of RHE (91.6%).
Keywords: Mindray BC-6800; immature reticulocyte fraction; reference intervals; reticulocyte; reticulocyte hemoglobin content.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.