Chloro derivatives of aniline are commonly used in the production of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural agents. They are toxic compounds with a large accumulation ability and low natural biodegradability. Halloysite is known as an efficient adsorbent of toxic compounds, such as phenols or herbicides, from wastewater. Inverse LC was applied to measure the adsorption of aniline and 2-chloroaniline (2-CA), 3-chloroaniline (3-CA), and 4-chloroaniline (4-CA) on halloysite adsorbents. A peak division (PD) method was used to determine a Langmuir equation in accordance with the adsorption measurement results. The values of adsorption equilibrium constants and enthalpy were determined and compared by breakthrough curve and PD methods. The physical sense of the calculated adsorption enthalpy values was checked by applying Boudart's entropy criteria. Of note, adsorption enthalpy values for halloysite adsorbents decreased in the following order: aniline > 4-CA > 2-CA > 3-CA.