Aortitis of ascending aorta is a recognized complication of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). There are a few published cases of diffuse aortitis and aorta collaterals inflammation that fulfill Takayasu's arteritis (TA) criteria coexisting with AS. We have reviewed published cases from literature and present three new cases of such coexistence. We identified three patients who fulfilled definite AS New York criteria in our Takayasu's vasculitis cohort of eight patients. One of this patients had been diagnosed with Crohn's disease before AS and TA diagnosis. Additionally, two other patients had an inflammatory back pain and suffered of chronic uveitis. One of them had increased sacroiliac uptake of isotope in scintigraphy. Those two patients did not fulfil spondyloarthritis criteria. In this paper, we debate if TA type arteritis might be one of the AS cardiovascular complications.
Keywords: Ankylosing spondylitis; Takayasu’s arteritis; vasculitis.