Introduction: Microneedling (percutaneous collagen induction therapy) is a new promising miniinvasive therapeutic method for the treatment of skin alterations of different aetiology, including burn scars. Since 2016, it is also available at our department. The microtraumatization of scars with the Dermaroller® leads to an activation of the healing cascade, activation of growth factors, which activate cell proliferation in the wound, increased synthesis and deposit of collagen - elastin complex with successive transformation of collagen III to collagen I, to neoangiogenesis and thus to accelerated scar remodelling.
Material and methods: In the pilot study conducted in 2016, the microneedling method with Dermaroller® with 2.5 mm needles was used in six patients (two males, four females; age 25-73 years) with stabilized scars after previous application of split thickness skin graft due to thermal injury. We repeated the microneedling procedure in three intervals approximately 6 to 8 weeks apart, with the use of topical anaesthesia.
Results: Preliminary results showed a subjective improvement of the scars. Objective evaluation with the Vancouver Scar Score showed an improvement of an average of two points before and after treatment.
Conclusion: Our first clinical experience show that microneedling appears to be a suitable microinvasive method for the improvement of scar quality after burn trauma.
Keywords: Dermaroller®; Microneedling; collagen induction therapy burn scar..