Objective: Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox b (HNF1B) -associated disease is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder with a variable, multi-systemic phenotype. In China, five adult probands and one child proband with HNF1B-associated disease had been reported, whereas few fetuses are described. The aims of this retrospective study were to understand about the clinical manifestations of HNF1B-associated disease and to further improve the recognition of this disorder. Method: Four patients (3 males, 1 female) and three fetuses with HNF1B mutations were included in this study. They were admitted to our hospital from January 2013 to March 2017. HNF1B mutations were detected using targeted next generation sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR or Sanger sequencing. HNF1B heterozygous deletion of exons 1-9 was found in 4 patients and 2 fetuses, and HNF1B heterozygous missense mutation in 1 fetus. These two mutations had been reported. Two patients and 1 fetus had de novo mutations. Results of renal ultrasonography with or without magnetic resonance imaging, biochemical investigations, urine routine examination and other necessary investigations in 7 cases were analyzed. Result: Three patients were Han Chinese ethnicity, and one patient was Mongolian. In patients 1 and 4, abnormal fetal kidneys were discovered by routine ultrasonography, and the age at first feature identified in Patients 2 and 3 were 13 years and 28 years. Patient 3 had normal renal function and the remainder had reduced glomerular filtration rate. In addition, patient 4 presented with nephrotic syndrome and glycosuria, patient 2 with early onset hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy, and patient 3 with diabetes mellitus. All the 4 patients had renal structural abnormalities including bilateral multiple renal cysts, dysplasia and hyperechogenic kidneys. Only patient 3 had a positive family history of renal diseases, the remainder had a negative family history of renal diseases. In 3 fetuses, prenatal ultrasound anomalies were detected during the second trimester. These 3 fetuses had hyperechogenic kidneys with or without renal cysts. Polyhydramnios was detected in only one of the 3 fetuses. Two of the 3 fetuses had a positive family history of renal diseases. Conclusion: Clinical phenotypes of HNF1B-related disease are heterogeneous, renal malformations clearly appear to be the most common manifestation, multiple renal cysts are characteristic, and patients can progress to impaired kidney function during childhood; HNF1B mutation is a differential diagnosis of fetal hyperechogenic kidneys or multiple renal cysts.
目的: 了解HNF1B基因相关疾病临床表型。 方法: 选择2013至2017年在北京大学第一医院儿科和妇产科住院、门诊就诊的不明原因肾功能减退的4例患者(例1、2、4为男性患儿,例3为成年女性患者),胎儿期肾脏超声异常的胎儿3例,经目标区域捕获二代测序、实时定量PCR或Sanger测序验证检测到HNF1B基因突变。以其为研究对象,回顾性分析其肾脏影像、血生化、尿液常规和其他必要检查结果。 结果: 4例患者中,例1和例4自胎儿期起病,例2和例3分别于13岁和28岁起病;除例3外,其余3例患者均有不同程度的肾功能减退;例4尚表现有肾病综合征和糖尿,例2尚表现有早发的甲状旁腺功能亢进和肾性骨病,例3尚有糖尿病;仅例3有肾脏病家族史,其余3例患者均无肾脏病家族史;4例患者均有肾脏结构异常,包括双肾多发囊肿、肾脏小和肾脏高回声。3例胎儿均经产前超声检查发现肾脏高回声,伴或不伴肾脏囊肿;仅1例胎儿羊水过多;2例胎儿有肾脏病家族史。 结论: HNF1B基因相关疾病临床表型存在异质性,肾脏受累最为常见,多表现为肾脏囊肿,儿童期会出现肾功能减退;胎儿期肾脏超声显示肾脏高回声或肾脏囊肿者应想到HNF1B基因相关疾病的可能。.
Keywords: Extra-renal phenotypes; HNF1B gene; Heterozygous mutation; Renal phenotypes.