Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and the fungi involved in onychomycosis located on fingers in Abidjan.
Material and methods: This study includes the sellers of cooked cassava semolina served with fried tuna fish called "garba". Fines squames specimen was processed with 30% KOH for a direct microscope examination. Serous collection were done in physiological serum. Part of the original sample was cultured on Sabouraud medium with antibiotics (chloramphénicol, actidione). Species distribution and antifungal susceptibility by the technique on agar were noted.
Results: A total of 205 male sellers were involved. The Onychomycosis prevalence was 6.3%; (95% CI : 3.6-10.3). Five species of yeasts were identified. Candida spp were the most frequent (84.6%) and Candida albicans represented 30.8% of isolated yeasts. Trichosporon cutaneum were isolated in two case (15.4%). Susceptibility for amphotericin-B was 92.3% contrary to 5-fluorocytosine 30.8%. The subjects aged between 15 to 24 (69.2%), with a higher seniority (84.6%) and illiterate (69.2%) were the most affected. The main risk factors of fungal infections were the presence of previous fingernail onychomycosis (P<0.0001) and the frequent fingernail cutting (P=0.0009).
Conclusion: Onychomycosis caused by yeast is infrequent among "garba" sellers in Abidjan. The main fungi involved in fingernail onychomycosis were Candida species. It is nevertheless necessary to implement sensitization for them on contributing factors.
Keywords: Candida; Côte d’Ivoire; Hand; Mains; Mycological profile; Onychomycoses; Onychomycosis; Profil mycologique.
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