The growing use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and the incorrect information from mass media, determined in the public the wrong idea that the right moment of life for programming a pregnancy can be delayed well beyond the physiological fertile age. Spare and insufficient health authorities' interventions are driven to explain to the general population the reduction of the fertility potential of couples and particularly of women with advancing age. This situation, characterized by more and more women seeking for pregnancy after age 38-40 imposes to specialists in Reproductive Medicine an honest and transparent counselling. Today, more than ever, it is pertinent to talk about the need of an "ethic approach" to ART, by which the specialist takes care of all the aspects inherent to infertility, such as the strong motivations of the couples in searching a child, the wrong perception of ART infallibility, the incorrect advertising in the mass media about the pregnancy of elderly actresses and show-girls, and finally, the enormous amount of commercial interests revolving around the "business" of in-vitro fertilization. In this context, the ideal policy that an ART center should adopt entails the correct and rapid identification of the characteristics of the couple, the exploitation of women ovarian reserve to obtain the right number of high quality oocytes, the protection of patients' health, the identification of the embryos with the highest chances of implantation and the reduction of the time to pregnancy. Here we analyse how to obtain each of these goals, through a literature review and expert clinical opinion.