Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) seriously limits papaya (Carica papaya L.) production in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world. Coat protein (CP)- transgenic papaya lines resistant to PRSV isolates in the sequence-homology-dependent manner have been developed in the U.S.A. and Taiwan. A previous investigation revealed that genetic divergence among Hainan isolates of PRSV has allowed the virus to overcome the CP-mediated transgenic resistance. In this study, we designed a comprehensive RNAi strategy targeting the conserved domain of the PRSV CP gene to develop a broader-spectrum transgenic resistance to the Hainan PRSV isolates. We used an optimized particle-bombardment transformation system to produce RNAi-CP-transgenic papaya lines. Southern blot analysis and Droplet Digital PCR revealed that line 474 contained a single transgene insert. Challenging this line with different viruses (PRSV I, II and III subgroup) under greenhouse conditions validated the transgenic resistance of line 474 to the Hainan isolates. Northern blot analysis detected the siRNAs products in virus-free transgenic papaya tissue culture seedlings. The siRNAs also accumulated in PRSV infected transgenic papaya lines. Our results indicated that this transgenic papaya line has a useful application against PRSV in the major growing area of Hainan, China.