The 5' and 3' terminal sequences of the replicative form (RF) of RNA of a flavivirus, the Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus, strain Ja0ArS982, have been determined by in vitro labelling and mobility shift analysis. The plus strand sequence was 5'AGAAGUUUAUCUGUGUGAA...UCUOH3', while the minus strand sequence was 5'AGAUCCUGUGUUCUUCCUCA...UCUOH3'. These sequences were similar to those of West Nile (WN) virus being identical in 12 nucleotides at the 5'terminal of the minus strand, and in the 5'terminal dinucleotides, 5'AG3'. Somewhat more internal hexanucleotides 5'CUGUGU3' are conserved among 3 flaviviruses, the JE, WN, and yellow fever viruses.