Localised pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) of the knee is a rare diagnosis, with clinical signs and symptoms mimicking meniscal damage or other common knee injuries.We report the case of a 24-year-old female soccer player, seeking treatment after 7 months of persisting knee pain. Additionally, we present an overview of tenosynovial giant cell tumours.On examination, the patient was found to have tenderness in the medial joint space of the knee. MRI revealed a heterogeneous formation in the central part of the knee. The formation was completely enucleated arthroscopically, histological analyses confirmed the diagnosis of localised PVNS. The patient was subsequently free of symptoms with no signs of recurrence on MRI and had resumed soccer practice at the 1-year follow-up appointment.
Keywords: orthopaedic and trauma surgery; orthopaedics; pathology; radiology.
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