Introduction: Despite progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), maternal mortality remains high in countries where there are shortages of skilled personnel able to manage and provide quality care during pregnancy and childbirth. The 'percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel' (SAB, skilled attendants at birth) was a key indicator for tracking progress since the MDGs and is part of the Sustainable Development Goal agenda. However, due to contextual differences between and within countries on the definition of SAB, a lack of clarity exists around the training, competencies, and skills they are qualified to perform. In this paper, we outline a scoping review protocol that poses to identify and map the health personnel considered SAB in low and middle-income countries (LMIC).
Methods and analysis: A search will be conducted for the years 2000-2015 in PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL Complete, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, POPLINE and the WHO Global Health Library. A manual search of reference lists from identified studies or systematic reviews and a hand search of the literature from international partner organisations will be done. Original studies conducted in LMIC that assessed health personnel (paid or voluntary) providing interventions during the intrapartum period will be considered for inclusion.
Ethics and dissemination: A scoping review is a secondary analysis of published literature and does not require ethics approval. This scoping review proposes to synthesise data on the training, competency and skills of identified SAB and expands on other efforts to describe this global health workforce. The results will inform recommendations around improved coverage measurement and reporting of SAB moving forward, allowing for more accurate, consistent and timely data able to guide decisions and action around planning and implementation of maternal and newborn health programme globally. Data will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed manuscript, conferences and to key stakeholders within international organisations.
Keywords: health personnel; health workforce; intrapartum; maternal health; newborn health.
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