Gait initiation Failure (GIF) is the situation in which patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) feel as if their feet get "stuck" to the floor when initiating their first steps. GIF is a subtype of Freezing of Gait (FOG) and often leads to falls and related injuries. Understanding of neurobiological mechanisms underlying GIF has been limited by difficulties in eliciting and objectively characterizing such gait phenomena in the clinical setting. Studies investigating the effects of GIF on brain activity using EEG offer the potential to study such behavior. In this preliminary study, we present a novel methodology where wavelet transform was used for feature extraction and Support Vector Machine for classifying GIF events in five patients with PD and FOG. To deal with the large amount of EEG data, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce the data dimension from 15 EEG channels into 6 principal components (PCs), retaining 93% of the information. Independent Component Analysis using Entropy Bound Minimization (ICA-EBM) was applied to 6 PCs for source separation with the aim of improving detection ability of GIF events as compared to the normal initiation of gait (Good Starts). The results of this analysis demonstrated the correct identification of GIF episodes with an 83.1% sensitivity, 89.5% specificity and 86.3% accuracy. These results suggest that our proposed methodology is a promising non-invasive approach to improve GIF detection in PD and FOG.