Background: Bohring-Opitz syndrome (BOS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by a recognisable craniofacial appearance and a typical 'BOS' posture. BOS is caused by sporadic mutations ofASXL1. However, several typical patients with BOS have no molecular diagnosis, suggesting clinical and genetic heterogeneity.
Objectives: To expand the phenotypical spectrum of autosomal recessive variants of KLHL7, reported as causing Crisponi syndrome/cold-induced sweating syndrome type 1 (CS/CISS1)-like syndrome.
Methods: We performed whole-exome sequencing in two families with a suspected recessive mode of inheritance. We used the Matchmaker Exchange initiative to identify additional patients.
Results: Here, we report six patients with microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, including exophthalmos, nevus flammeus of the glabella and joint contractures with a suspected BOS posture in five out of six patients. We identified autosomal recessive truncating mutations in the KLHL7 gene. KLHL7 encodes a BTB-kelch protein implicated in the cell cycle and in protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Recently, biallelic mutations in the KLHL7 gene were reported in four families and associated with CS/CISS1, characterised by clinical features overlapping with our patients.
Conclusion: We have expanded the clinical spectrum of KLHL7 autosomal recessive variants by describing a syndrome with features overlapping CS/CISS1 and BOS.
Keywords: Bohring-Opitz like syndrome; klhl7; whole exome sequencing.
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