Overexpression of SRS5 improves grain size of brassinosteroid-related dwarf mutants in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Breed Sci. 2017 Sep;67(4):393-397. doi: 10.1270/jsbbs.16198. Epub 2017 Aug 10.


Grain size is a trait that is important for rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield potential. Many genes regulating grain size have been identified, deepening our understanding of molecular mechanisms of grain size determination in rice. Previously, we cloned SMALL AND ROUND SEED 5 (SRS5) gene (encoding alpha-tubulin) from a small and round seed mutant and revealed that this gene regulates grain length independently of the brassinosteroid (BR) signaling pathway, although BR-related mutants set small grain. In this study, we showed that overexpression of SRS5 can promote grain length and demonstrated that the overexpression of SRS5 in BR-related mutants rescued the shortened grain length, which is an unfavorable phenotype in the yield potential of BR-related mutants, while preserving the useful semi-dwarf and erect leaf phenotypes.

Keywords: Oryza sativa L.; SRS5; brassinosteroid; grain size; molecular breeding.