Clinical aspects of testicular carcinoma-in-situ

Int J Androl. 1981 Mar:4 Suppl s4:153-160. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.1981.tb00668.x.


Carcinoma-in-situ germ cells were demonstrated in testicular biopsies from 9 of 826 patients (1.1%) from a selected group of Danish infertile men. A similar observation was noted in testicular biopsies from 9 Swiss patients (representing 0.55% of the total number of infertile patients biopsied in that study). Such changes were also seen in 8 testicular biopsies from the contralateral testis of 180 patients (4.4%) with carcinoma of the teitis. Moreover, carcinoma-in-situ has beer, found in maldecended testes and in gonads of patients with the testicular feminization syndrome although the incidence of carcinoma-in-situ in these two latter groups is unknown. The malignant potential of carcinoma-in-situ of the testis in infertile men has been clearly demonstrated, whereas its clinical significance in other groups of patients remains to be determined.

Keywords: carcinoma-in-situ; cryptorchidism; germ cell; male infertility; testicular feminization; testicular neoplasia; testis.