Panfolliculoma is a benign neoplasm of follicular differentiation, and its morphological characteristics are similar to those of trichoblastoma, but it shows greater follicular differentiation. A 55-year-old female patient, visited for a dermatological consultation, presented comedo-like lesions on the eyelids, which were accompanied by moderate pruritus that spread gradually. On examination, the patient had localized dermatosis on the face, which symmetrically affected both upper eyelids and to a lesser extent the lower eyelids. The lesions consisted of papulonodular neoformations, comedones, and redundant skin, and a biopsy was performed. The histopathological report mainly described the presence of atrophic epidermis and dermis that was occupied entirely by a neoplasm of epithelial strain, comprising cystic structures that were surrounded by infundibular epithelium of an internal radicular sheath. Panfolliculoma is a rare benign neoplasm of follicular differentiation, and its morphological characteristics are similar to those of trichoblastoma, the pathologist must perform the clinicopathological correlation to establish the correct diagnosis.
Keywords: Follicular differentiation; panfolliculoma; rare benign neoplasm.