Purpose: To (1) determine adherence to guidelines when prescribing panoramic radiographs (PR) for patients 18 y.o. and younger; and 2) compare PR prescriptions between general dentists (GPs) and pediatric dentists (PDs).
Methods: A retrospective analysis of insurance claims included codes for PRs and associated codes for two cities between 2008 and 2015. Chi-square tests ascertained the likelihood of a PR being associated within three days of routine exams.
Results: A total of 81,699 pediatric patients were seen by 2,077 GPs and 103 PDs. There were 11,993 PRs, 119,068 routine exams (7,343 associated with a PR), 13,819 orthodontic procedures (378 associated with a PR), 798 third molar procedures (172 associated with a PR), and 16,636 procedures for acute problems (1,670 associated with a PR). Patients aged eight years old and younger had the largest discrepancy between GPs and PDs. GPs prescribed proportionally more films in patients five years old and younger, but PDs prescribed more in seven and eight year olds. Nine- to 18 year olds. had more similar patterns between GPs and PDs, except for 14- to 15 year olds, when GPs prescribed more.
Conclusions: GPs prescribed PR in patients younger than five years old more often and were somewhat less likely to follow guidelines.