Children and young adults with ulcerative colitis tend to present with more extensive colonic disease than an adult population. The need for surgical intervention in the pediatric population with ulcerative colitis occurs earlier after diagnosis and has a greater incidence than a comparably matched adult population with an estimated need for colectomy at 5 years following diagnosis of 14-20%. Perhaps, even more than the adult population, there is a desire to restore intestinal continuity for the pediatric patient to achieve as healthy and normal quality of life as possible. With surgery playing such a prominent role in the treatment of ulcerative colitis in this age group, an understanding of the surgical treatment options that are available is important. The surgeon's awareness of the complexities of the different operations associated with proctocolectomy and reestablishing intestinal continuity may help to avoid early complications and minimize the risk of less than ideal long-term outcomes.
Keywords: Crohn disease; Ileoanal pouch; Ileostomy; Pediatric ulcerative colitis; Pouchitis; Restorative proctocolectomy.
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