Background and objectives: The study is to investigate if left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is important in modulating the craving to drug related cues.
Methods: The present investigation examined different combinations between left/right and high/low frequency rTMS on cue induced craving to methamphetamine, with active sham rTMS on P3 region on a total of 50 subjects.
Results: The results showed that either at left or right side, both high and low frequency rTMS are effective in decreasing the cue induced craving to methamphetamine.
Discussion and conclusions: In conclusion, bilateral frontal hemispheres are effective in modulating the cue induced craving to methamphetamine with rTMS.
Scientific significance: TMS targeting prefrontal cortex is effective for craving modulation; however the mechanism is more than potentiation or depression of single brain region. (Am J Addict 2017;26:776-779).
© 2017 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.