Purpose: The purpose of the article is to compare the features of wash-out (WO) parameters between lipid-rich and lipid-poor adrenal adenomas as well as with a group of non-adenoma adrenal lesions.
Methods: 46 patients (36 F and 10 M, median age 58 years) with unilateral adrenal lesions (35 adenomas, 7 pheochromocytomas, 1 carcinoma, and 3 metastases) were prospectively evaluated; adrenal lesions were divided into adenomas (Group 1) and non-adenomas (Group 2). MR imaging was performed with a 3-Tesla scanner using pre- and post-contrast dedicated sequences. On the basis of the evaluation of qualitative chemical-shift (CS) signal intensity (SI) loss, adrenal adenomas were, respectively, divided in Group 1A (n = 25) as lipid-rich and Group 1B (n = 10) as lipid-poor; non-adenoma adrenal lesions were grouped in Group 2 (n = 11). The following parameters were evaluated: size (mm), CS SI index (%), early (5 min), and delayed (10 min) Relative (R) and Absolute (A) WO values (%).
Results: The comparison of AWO and RWO showed significant (p ≤ 0.05) differences between Group 1A and Groups 1B and 2, both using 5- and 10-min images for calculation; conversely, no differences in these dynamic parameters were found between Group 1B and 2; AWO and RWO values were significantly lower in adrenal lesions of Groups 1B and 2 compared to Group 1A, both using 5- and 10-min images for calculation.
Conclusions: The quantitative evaluation of WO parameters could not be used to characterize lipid-poor adrenal adenomas for which alternative imaging modalities are required.
Keywords: Lipid-poor adrenal adenoma; Lipid-rich adrenal adenoma; Magnetic resonance imaging; Wash-out.