Background: Glutaraldehyde-treated pericardia for cardiovascular applications have poor long-term clinical results. The efficacy of a combined physical/chemical treatment to improve pericardium biocompatibility and vascular regeneration was assessed and compared with detergent treatment and two commercial bovine pericardia: PeriGuard (DGBP) and Edwards pericardium (nDGBP). The physical and chemical process was applied to bovine and human pericardia (DBP-DHP), and the detergent process was applied to bovine (DDBP).
Material and methods: Native (NBP) and treated bovine tissues were assessed for decellularization (HE/DAPI/DNA/α-Gal and MHC-1 staining) and mechanical integrity ex vivo. Twenty Wistar rats received subcutaneous patches of each bovine tissue to assess immunogenic response up to 4 months (flow cytometry). Ten additional rats received four subcutaneous bovine-treated patches (one/condition) to evaluate the inflammatory reaction (CD3/CD68 immunostaining), calcification (von Kossa staining/calcium quantification), and integration assessment (Hematoxylin and eosin staining). Finally, 15 rodents received a patch on the aorta (DBP n = 5, DHP n = 5, and DGBP n = 5), and vascular biocompatibility and arterial wall regeneration were assessed after 4 months (CD3/CD68/CD31/ASMA and Miller staining).
Results: DBP reached the higher level of decellularization, no immunogenic response whereas maintaining mechanical properties. DBP induced the lowest level grade of inflammation after 2 months (P < 0.05) concomitantly for better remodeling. No complications occurred with DBP and DHP where vascular regeneration was confirmed. Moreover, they induced a low level of CD3/CD68 infiltrations.
Conclusions: This process significantly reduces immunogenicity and improves biocompatibility of bovine and human pericardia for better vascular regeneration.
Keywords: Biocompatibility; Bovine/human pericardium; Cardiovascular tissue engineering; Decellularization; Regeneration.
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