Pharmaceutical manufacturers have to study the stability of drug products before marketing according to ICH guideline Q1A(R2); data of those investigations aim to set expiry dates. The expiry date on the container of a remedy assures the physician and the patient a stability of the drug in its formulation i.e. within a specification of 95-105%. Only few studies show that shelf-lives of pharmaceutical products are often longer than expiration dates. The objective of the study presented here was determining the content of nine expired ampoules manufactured in the last century and identifying the impurity profile by means of HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS, respectively. The ampoules are part of the "PEAK-collection" of long expired finished pharmaceutical products at IBMP, Nürnberg-Heroldsberg, and consists among others of epinephrine (Suprarenin and Adrenalin in Oil), etilefrine (Effortil®), synephrine (Sympatol®), caffeine and procaine (Impletol), caffeine and sodium salicylate (Caffeinum Salicylicum), dipyridamole (Persantin®), furosemide (Lasix®), and metamizole (Novalgin®). For chromatographic investigations methods of the European Pharmacopoeia for related substances were used; for determining the content, they were validated for linearity, precision, and accuracy. The results were compared to current reference ampoules. Five out of nine ampoules were still within the specified content limits. In Suprarenin and Adrenalin in Oil, both containing epinephrine, Impletol (procaine), and Persantin® (dipyridamole) contents were decreased to 70%, 74%, 79%, and 86%, respectively, and therefore out of specification.
Keywords: Chemical stability; HPLC (high performance/pressure liquid chromatography); Long term stability; Shelf-life; UV/VIS spectroscopy.
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