The degradation of organic matter in the anoxic seabed proceeds through a complex microbial network in which the terminal steps are dominated by oxidation with sulfate or conversion into methane and CO2 The controls on pathway and rate of the degradation process in different geochemical zones remain elusive. Radiotracer techniques were used to perform measurements of sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and acetate oxidation with unprecedented sensitivity throughout Holocene sediment columns from the Baltic Sea. We found that degradation rates transition continuously from the sulfate to the methane zone, thereby demonstrating that terminal steps do not exert feedback control on upstream hydrolytic and fermentative processes, as previously suspected. Acetate was a key intermediate for carbon mineralization in both zones. However, acetate was not directly converted into methane. Instead, an additional subterminal step converted acetate to CO2 and reducing equivalents, such as H2, which then fed autotrophic reduction of CO2 to methane.
Keywords: marine sediment; methanogenesis; organic matter mineralization; sulfate reduction; syntrophic acetate oxidation.