Three different wheat cultivars (Bezostaya, Eser and Cesit-1252) at four maturity stages were processed into firik which is a whole wheat-based ethnic food by using traditional cooking method. Some nutritional and antinutritional (moisture, ash, protein, fructans, dietary fibers, phenolic contents and antioxidant activity) properties of firiks were investigated. A significant increase was observed for the hectoliter and 1000 kernel weights whereas a decrease for ash and protein contents by increased maturation level. It was found that immature wheats especially at early stages of kernel development are rich sources of functional nutrients such as total dietary fiber (17.3-20.4%), fructans (4.1-7.2%), total phenolics (4602.5-4838.3 mgGAE/kg) and antioxidants (729.2-782.8 μmolTE/100 g) besides having lower phytic acid contents (498.6-604.9 mg/100 g).
Keywords: Bioactive compounds; Dietary fiber; Firik; Kernel maturation; Phytic acid.
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